Posted by Sonia Richards on 28/12/2020 | 0 Comments |
There are many hundreds of people who have now qualified as IEMT Practitioners since the very first courses in 2007 to the present day. We now have people globally training IEMT in several languages and I am very happy to have been one of the first accredited Trainers who was enabled by the founder of IEMT to train both the Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner Levels. I tend to call them Level 1 and Level 2. I also mentor other Practitioners and Trainers who may be new or experienced in this amazing modality. For those of you who would like to further your knowledge I am running more Advanced/Level 2 trainings in 2021. Please read on for information on how you can achieve this.
The prerequisite for Level 2 training is Certification at Level 1. The reason for this is because we do not spend much time at Level 2 re-capping the Level 1 work and as a Trainer it is my expectation that you are fully conversant in all of the protocols and have used them with clients.
IEMT is a very practical modality and it does require hands on experience in order to gain sufficient skills. During my Level 1 trainings those wishing to become Practitioners need to perform and complete Case Studies using many of the protocols taught as well as performing course work, self-use of IEMT and self reflection on that use.
In February 2021 I am running level 1 and level 2 courses within a few weeks of each other, so the question is can a delegate certify during that person in order to take the Advanced Training?
The answer is yes, if you are highly motivated and organised and can record your case studies, write them up submit them so that I have time to perform my in depth assessment of the videos and finish as much of the written course work as possible.
I always do a 1:1 Q&A with trainees following submission so that we can discuss various learning points. Sometimes it means that another case study or extra work is required. Merely attending a course is not enough for person to qualify for certification.
The work we cover on Level 2, although grounded in our Practitioner work, expands and deepens your knowledge and skills and will have you working in ways that are more flexible than Level 1. I also add in some information and knowledge that goes beyond IEMT but is complementary to it, such as Metaphors of Movement, a modality also developed by Andrew Austin.
Once you learn to work even more specifically with emotional and identity based issues, you will find this work invaluable to help others create changes that enables them to move their life in the right direction for them.
I look forward to welcoming Practitioners trained by other trainers at Level 1, either for refresher courses, mentoring with various IEMT related issues and of course for further study at the Advanced Level 2. Contact me directly or via the website site to find out more: